Top 3 Ways to Boost Testosterone Naturally in 2024

Testosterone is a hormone predominant in males that is responsible for regulating sex drive, fat distribution, muscle mass, and red cell production. If you find yourself tired, lethargic, or even depressed, it could be caused by low testosterone. Here are top three easy and natural ways to boost testosterone.

#1 Increase Healthy Fat Intake

A study conducted at the University of Worcester and published in The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, showed that a low-fat diet decreased testosterone levels in men and that men with European ancestry may experience an even greater decrease in testosterone in response to a low-fat diet.

That doesn’t mean you should go ahead and up your meat intake, as studies have shown that high cholesterol can decrease libido, which is the opposite of what you want if you have low testosterone. 

If you’re looking to increase your fat intake without raising your bad cholesterol (LDL cholesterol), you can consume more nuts, seeds, and the foods seen in the infographic above.

#2 Get More Vitamin D

According to, 42% of Americans are vitamin D deficient. In fact, according to a study dissected by Martin Bloomberg Jensen in, “Vitamin D deficiency and low testosterone concentrations in men can affect their fertility or lead to osteoporosis and loss of muscle mass. New Danish research shows that these two factors may be more closely related than previously thought, since vitamin D deficiency may reduce testosterone production”. 

If you’re someone with low vitamin D levels, you should contact a medical professional or reach out to your primary doctor to discuss how much vitamin D you should be taking. Obese/overweight individuals have a harder time absorbing vitamin D whether it’s from sunlight or from a supplement so vitamin D consumption may vary.

#3 Lose Weight

It’s been proven time and time again that losing weight (body fat) is proven to increase testosterone. 

I’m sure you’re tired of hearing “just lose weight” or “just exercise”, but when you have low testosterone it’s not that easy. You’re unmotivated and have nobody to point you in the right direction. Don’t overthink! It’s as simple as just moving more!

If you want to drop weight and boost your testosterone, start walking! Not only will you lose weight from one 30 minute walk a day, but you’ll also boost your vitamin D levels by walking outside. As you start to lose more weight and your testosterone levels begin to increase, you’ll feel more motivated. Take that motivation to the weight room and start off light. Lifting weights boost testosterone and they boost your confidence.

Remember, the smallest steps lead to the greatest and permanent changes. Rome wasn’t built in one day and your life won’t get better overnight unless you work really hard for what you want! 


  1. Whittaker J, Wu K. Low-fat diets and testosterone in men: Systematic review and meta-analysis of intervention studies. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol. 2021 Jun;210:105878. doi: 10.1016/j.jsbmb.2021.105878. Epub 2021 Mar 16. PMID: 33741447.

  2. Holt R, Juel Mortensen L, Harpelunde Poulsen K, Nielsen JE, Frederiksen H, Jørgensen N, Jørgensen A, Juul A, Blomberg Jensen M. Vitamin D and sex steroid production in men with normal or impaired Leydig cell function. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol. 2020 May;199:105589. doi: 10.1016/j.jsbmb.2020.105589. Epub 2020 Jan 15. PMID: 31953167.

Jackie & Jeremy

Hello, our names are Jeremy and Jackie, and together we are a dedicated team of personal trainers with a strong passion for health and fitness. We started our own separate fitness journeys many years ago, and decided to take our combined experiences to create J and J Personal Training. Our mission is to introduce health and fitness into your lives, and create attainable goals through proper nutrition and exercise. We create customized workout programs and nutrition plans that are designed to help you reach your specific needs and goals. Book your free consultation now and let’s start your own fitness journey together!

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